Tour de Chesapeake
May 17

Mark your calendar for the third weekend in May! This tour is the only Coastal Virginia, Chesapeake Bay bike tour — over a thousand visitors come each year to enjoy the flat roads, beautiful scenery, and over 100 miles of routes that are friendly for all levels.
Are you outdoorsy, active, and like to visit new places? We guarantee this week will be authentic! Biking along the beautiful fields, peninsulas, and marshlands of Mathews is one perk among the many ways you can experience the Chesapeake Bay lifestyle.
Visit tourdechesapeake.org or our event page for more information about this year’s tour!
Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or experienced rider, you will find routes appropriate for all skill levels. Come down for a day trip, Saturday May 17th, or spend the weekend in Mathews to experience all this small, quaint Chesapeake Bay Town has to offer.
- Beautiful, natural sandy beaches. Learn more about local beaches.
- Great scenery of marshland, waterfront views, and a bike route to the famous New Point Comfort Lighthouse
- Historical Sites and an “Art de Tour” Saturday to explore local artwork in town.
- Fully Supported Saturday Ride (Rest Stops and SAG)
- Free Onsite Camping Available or local lodging options
- 4 Route Choices – over 100 miles
- Saturday Night Seafood Feast and Party at the Wharf (Free admission)
- Dessert Reception at THMS, Ride Headquarters, and other add-on meals
- Plenty of restaurant options in town for fresh seafood, and local cuisine.