All natural and all delicate. Please tread lightly on our beaches.
Haven Beach

Haven Beach, A true gem on the Chesapeake Bay with comfortable sandy bottom shoreline, designated swimming areas, light facilities and parking. A tidal lagoon, marshes and shrubby areas provide natural habitats for a multitude of shorebirds and the like. – General directions to Haven Beach
Bethel Beach

Bethel Beach Natural Area Preserve, 83-acres of sandy beach, low dunes and salt marshes on the Chesapeake Bay, is home to rare plants, nesting birds and the endangered Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle. Visitors are welcome, but please tread lightly and respect the restrictions. – General directions to Bethel Beach
Bavon Beach

Bavon Beach – A private stretch of white sandy beach just north of the New Point Comfort Lighthouse. Multiple cottages and full size homes available for vacation rental allow visitors to enjoy wide unencumbered views of the Chesapeake Bay.
Free maps & guides available at the Visitor’s Center with complete details on our area beaches and wildlife trails.